Friday, April 30, 2010

English Language Learner

Note To Self:

We're all learning English.  All of us.  We've even elected presidents who struggled with syntax and vocabulary.  You're no exception. You have a whole slew of participles that are dying slowly, dangling around waiting for their salvation.  So, can you go back to English as a second language instead? It might cost you something "professionally," but you weren't all that professional anyway.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Woodcock Johnson

Note To Self:

Calling a test Woodcock Johnson was probably not a wise decision.  Then again, neither was repeatedly referring to the test just so that you could get away with using the words wood, cock and johnson in school.  Perhaps next time you can just call it the Special Ed test.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cooperative Learning

Note To Self:

All learning is cooperative.  Okay, not so much.  All school is cooperative.  (Sometimes learning is very anti-social, which is probably why you were better at learning than you ever were at school.)  Designating an activity "cooperative learning" makes the assumption that it's okay for some learning to be uncooperative or that you are really okay with uncooperative students.  Sorry but you're just not that patient. Call the activity what it is - group work.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

time investment

Note To Self:

Time is not a commodity you can invest. You will get old and the years you experience will slip away. You cannot invest it. Neither can you spend it, save it, find it or use it. The best you can do is live it well. So, next time that you had a blast all day don't lament the fact that you were "completely unproductive" with your time.


Monday, April 26, 2010


Note to Self:

If you have to provide an incentive, then it's probably not something you should ask of another person.  Just be honest.  It's a bribe. Or sometimes it's extortion.  Either way, is that really the best approach in dealing with people? So next time you are talking with teachers about pay-for-performance, don't say, "money isn't the best incentive."  Be honest and say, "I can't be bought off.  I teach, because I care about my students."   
